Born and raised in Mount Sterling, Kentucky, (now located in Lexington, Kentucky) Koto tries to keep something different in his music from his voice, lyrics, flow, and, melody. Koto released his first song back in 2020 called, "Koto Koto" in high school. When he released it his whole town went nuts and started streaming it instantly, he was overwhelmed with compliments, posts, free promotions, and more support. Teachers would play his song in the middle of class for students and the school ended up playing it at the pep rally. That being said, it was gaining streams quickly hitting over 30k streams in just a few weeks (most being Soundcloud). He then was motivated into making more music so he eventually dropped a lyric video for a new song, an album, and a couple of music videos. His streams were doing decently well for a new artist. That being said, everything started to slowly drop down when we attended college. He just simply couldn't focus on music as much as he used to because of education, it got to the point where he dropped down to around 20 monthly listeners. Once he started feeling depressed in college he decided that we wanted to strive for his dream career so he dropped out of the university, got a full-time job, and started recording. The month he dropped out he gained over 21,000 percent and skyrocketed close to 700 monthly listeners.