Bernard Sesay called by his stage name Mr.B..Was born on the 16, October 1989 to a Christian family in a small town Regent village of Sierra Leone Africa 🌍. As a young talented man at the age of five, his gift of music was discovered by his head teacher in primary school. His teacher then ask him to join the school choir. Bernard grew up with the musical talent and developed it more to a song writer, singer, instrumentalist and a musical producer.. Through out the country of Sierra Leone Bernard (Mr.B) is well known.. His new hit single title "Fatima" came as an inspiration, while dating a young beautiful lady. His love for her drew him to the point that he could not have hid his feelings, so he let it out in a much more professional way by singing this sweet love song. Fatima the single will make her and the world know of his undying love 💕 for her.